Wishroute is a text message-based service. Because you depend on us as your accountability partner and give us your cell phone number to provide support via text, we take that responsibility and your texting preferences very seriously. We respect your right to privacy and are committed to giving you the maximum control and flexibility possible for receiving our high quality support through SMS and MMS.
A little policy context:
Wishroute is not a telemarketer and we do not send any spammy messages outside of our established supportive relationship. Because we’re ahead of the game on text-based communication, there are no clear-cut legal SMS guidelines for SMS-based accountability services, but we still choose to comply with many parts of the FCC’s Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) anyway. Wishroute also follows industry best practices from the Wireless Communications Industry Authority CTIA.
What to expect and updating your text support preferences:

In general, we send a daily morning tip based on the healthy habit you’ve chosen to work on and in the evening, we text you to check in on how achieving your daily goal went. Morning messages default to be sent at 7am your local time, but you can change their delivery time to whenever works for you! Want them at 8:30am every day, or at 10am just for the week you’re on vacation because you’re sleeping in? Just text us and we’ll make the change! We can also modify the frequency of our morning messages to 3x/week instead of daily if you’d prefer less tips.
We generally set your check-ins to be delivered any time between 7pm and 9:30pm EST because our guide team is online to support you 7pm-10pm EST. If you’d like your check-ins outside that window or later in the evening that’s fine! Just know that we may take a bit more time to get back to you, or we’ll get back to you the next morning when we plug in at 8am EST. You can control the frequency of your evening check-in messages by texting us or filling out your weekly game plan accordingly.
You can opt-out at any time:
You can opt-out of receiving Wishroute support, and therefore SMS texts from Wishroute, at any time, by texting or emailing us. If you text “STOP” our systems automatically prevent further text messages being sent to you, and you will then be added to our no-contact list and we will not text you again in the future. We always prefer you give us a chance to adjust our support to fit your needs, but if you want to immediately end SMS messages from us, just text back “STOP.” Because our text line is monitored by real people, Wishroute is also able to honor any other wording iterations for an opt-out request (e.g. “please end my support”, “I no longer wish to receive these messages”, “I’d like to cancel”, etc.). If we get any indication that you would like to stop receiving text messages from Wishroute, we immediately internally cancel your outbound messages.
Mobile Charges
If you access the Services using your mobile device or communicate with Wishroute using text messages, SMS, or MMS, you understand that your mobile network provider may charge you fees for your use of its network while accessing or using the Services, for data downloading, or roaming, and/or for text messages,SMS, or MMS, and that YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH FEES AND CHARGES.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions or issues related to these messaging practices, please contact us at:
WishRoute, LLC