The Best & Worst Text Messages of October

Text message marketing has emerged as one of the most reliable ways to engage customers, grab their attention, and retain their loyalty. In fact, consumers are 35x more likely to view your company’s texts over your emails. Although the familiarity of SMS may make it seem simple for marketing purposes, communicating effectively through text messaging takes effort.
Text message marketing affords your business the opportunity to build one-on-one relationships with customers. That's why it's important to use this channel to create meaningful, human connections and avoid burning bridges through hyperactive spam messaging.
Read on for the next installment of our new series where we evaluate real-life examples of B2C text messaging:
The Do: Energy bar company checking in on customer’s order

This energy bar company does a great job with messages that are:
1. Personal: When a real person is responding, your customer can ask genuine questions, further customizing their experience with your brand.
2. Flexible: By inquiring about the preferences of the customer, you’re more likely to gain their trust and find an option that keeps them as a customer longer.
3. Informative: Messages that focus on keeping users up to date with their orders and new products demonstrate your company’s commitment to reliability and transparency.
The Don't: Hydration company offering sign-up discount

This hydration company should work on the following:
1. Relevance: It’s extremely important to send only relevant messages. Since Jessica is already a subscriber, she should not be receiving messages with discount codes to sign-up.
2. Avoiding Confusion: Messages that serve little to no purpose to their recipient can cause confusion and frustration. Knowing who your messages are being sent to and why is essential, especially if they're automated and lack the personal assistance to resolve any mix ups.
3. Being Conversational: Not enabling customers to respond to you can leave your customers with questions, resulting in distrust.