The Power of Human Accountability and Support via Text

Simple, Achievable, Human: The Power of Human Accountability and Support via Text
When making a commitment to improve our health, having the motivation to start is rarely ever the problem. What drives real success, and is the most challenging, is maintaining that motivation over time and building healthy habits that last. Wishroute’s unique wellness accountability and human support via text message helps people stay accountable to the healthy habits and lifestyle changes they are trying to achieve.
This is why Prospr Health, a wellness platform that allows health insurance providers and employers to invest directly in the health of their high-risk populations, partnered with Wishroute to help sustain engagement during their 8 week internal weight loss Trial. Read on to learn how Wishroute achieved a 100% engagement rate via text message and sustained an overall engagement rate 13X higher than the average wellness app over the 8 week trial.
Wellness Accountability in Action
Prospr’s mission is to incentivize health insurance providers’ high-risk members to lose weight and improve their quality of life, saving providers thousands each year. With Prospr’s platform, users can set their wellness goals, verify progress (via a self-weigh in or visits with their doctor), and earn cash incentives.
The Prospr Health Trial was an 8 week weight loss trial where each participant worked towards a 10 pound weight loss goal. Prospr provided twice weekly email-based coaching and gave each participant $20 per verified pound of weight loss. However, Propsr knew their participants would be most successful with even more personal, daily support. Prospr partnered with Wishroute to facilitate daily, motivating conversations focused on the healthy habit of the participant’s choice, such as exercise, healthy snacking, and reducing sugar to help them lose weight.
Wishroute texted participants an inspirational tip each morning and then an evening check-in asking how they prioritized their health that day. The evening check-ins encouraged participants to text back, whether they had a great day or not. If participants completed a wellness-related activity, they earned a point towards fun incentives including wellness discounts, exercise plans, and recipes. If they didn't do an activity, Wishroute provided judgment-free support to help them through any road bumps and make a plan for the next day.
High Engagement = High Impact
Prospr Health partnered with Wishroute to sustain engagement throughout the trial and the results exceeded expectations: 100% of participants engaged through text. Participants averaged 4 text interactions each week with Wishroute support over the 8 weeks - a sustained engagement 13 times higher than the average wellness app! The trial had 54% engagement by week 8 which is 13 times higher than the average wellness app!
When you feel accountable to another human, your chance of success increases 6.5x over. This is why it’s not surprising that Wishroute’s daily inspiration and accountability led to high impact results for Prospr and their trial participants:
- Total BMI of the participant group dropped from 32.2 to 30.9, resulting in a projected cost savings of $13,316 for providers
- 26% of participants achieved their 10 pound weight loss goal
- 100% of participants lost at least 2 pounds
Wishroute’s wellness accountability and support stands out by:
- Making it Simple - With support via text, consumers are using something that's already part of their daily life. No need to learn or download anything new!
- Making it Achievable - With daily inspiration and goal setting, Wishroute helps people build healthy, sustainable habits around their wellness resources
- Making it Human - with 2-way texting that consumers prefer, consumers get the support and accountability they need to be successful (75% of consumers get frustrated when they can't respond to automated SMS messages)
Hear first hand what participants had to say about Wishroute support:
“This program has made it easier to hold myself accountable on a daily basis.”
“There’s someone on the other end. It’s personal. It’s not just automated.”
“The articles they send are helpful, quick reads”
“Really like the accountability coaching, Really supportive language.
“Understanding, personal coaches”
“Variety of articles/videos/tips and tricks are great”
Participants also commented on how Wishroute has positively impacted their behavior:
“Putting down the ice cream spoon, going on walks whenever I’m on the phone”
“Have definitely added more movement to my day. Walking around while brushing my teeth. Parking further away. Going on short walks. Learning that it’s ok to have small chunks of movement instead of just hour long workouts”
“Mindfulness is completely different. I would previously make in the moment decisions, but now I focus on planning and thinking about my goal as a whole”
How to Increase Engagement With Your Product
The high engagement and high impact results from this 8 week weight loss trial demonstrates the power of providing an accountability team in the palm of your users’ hands to help them prioritize their health and develop daily habits using the wellness resources you provide. If you are looking for ways to increase engagement around your product, here are some unique ways that Wishroute can help:
- Provide ongoing coaching to increase retention: Wishroute can provide the daily support and encouragement your users need to form healthy habits around your specific product andr resources and achieve their goals.This includes hosting specific programs or challenges like we did with Prospr and The Esplanade Association and BCBSMA!
- Improve engagement during your onboarding process: Wishroute can complement your onboarding process to increase engagement up-front to reduce drop-off and increase user retention and success
- Improve your free trial conversion rate: Wishroute can complement your product’s free trial to increase engagement during that key time, drive loyalty and brand connection and increase your free trial conversion rate
- Identify key user or product insights: Wishroute can provide valuable insights on the uses of your product through our daily conversations with your users
We’d love to hear from you on how you’re tackling the challenges of sustaining engagement with your wellness product. What’s working and not working for you today?
If you’d like to learn more about working with us, text "Wishroute" to (617) 553-6631 and we’ll be in touch!